Watchung Sail and Power Squadron
Come for the boating education . . . . Stay for the Friends SM |
Meet Our Officers
"Change of Watch" Ceremony Imagine if you will, that the podium area is the good ship Watchung tied up at a pier and that you are seated on the shore. A gangway leads from the ship to the shore. Following custom aboard ships in the United States Navy, the officers aboard the ship are being replaced with a new set of officers - this is called a "Change of Watch". First, the outgoing Commander calls his "bridge" (the other officers who, with the Commander, have guided the ship for the year past) to assemble on the quarterdeck, thanks them for their service, presents them with a token of his appreciation and then dismisses them. One by one they are "piped ashore" by the bosun, leaving only the Commander and the bosun aboard the ship. The bosun pipes aboard the District commander who dismisses the Commander. The District Commander is now in charge of the squadron since the squadron no longer has a Commander. The bosun now pipes aboard the Commander-elect. The District Commander administers the oath of office to him and presents him with the insignia and flag of office. The new Commander is now in charge of the squadron. The District Commander is piped ashore. The new bridge is then piped aboard and the new Commander administers the oath of office and presents them with their symbolic flags of office. It is now with great pleasure that we introduce to you our newly elected officers effective as of April 1,2015.